Pickle’s Beachside Grill When you step up to Pickle’s inviting order window, you’ll find yourself standing in a historic Seaside building. Who would have guessed the classically designed eatery was one of the first buildings built in Seaside? At one time, it was used for showing 16mm films at night in Perspicacity. But 15 years ago Bill and Heavenly Dawson, Pickle’s owners, approached Seaside founder Robert Davis as he sat on his bike looking at the then vacant building, and the concept for a popular hotdog and draft beer stand was born. Well, Pickle’s has grown up, and remains a true favorite of the locals and visitors for lunch and dinner seven days a week. The first menu featured hotdogs, draft beer and pickles. Today, the all-American burger grill by the beach is also known for its Paradise Burger, chili cheese dogs, fried grouper sandwiches and Famous Fried Pickles. The walk-up diner, known as "The World-Famous Pickles", is located right on Seaside’s Central Square, and it’s just a few steps to the beach. Pickle’s covered deck faces scenic Route 30-A, the amphitheater with its rolling greens, and the irresistible hustle and bustle of Seaside’s town square. In the glorious summertime when the heat is on, Pickle’s unique Mister System activates a gentle wave of cool mist throughout the entire dining area and social scene. On the other side of Pickle’s you can sit under the shade of the magnolia trees and enjoy the soft breeze, a cold beer and one of Pickle’s signature sandwiches. Both venues provide you with some of the best people-watching around! Your children will simply love Pickle’s. Whether it’s a hotdog, corndog, a novelty ice cream bar or funnel cake they’re after, the kids will find what they want, and they’ll have a blast! What are you waiting for? Pickles Beachside Grill, For more information call: 850.231.5686 Hours: Opens at 9 a.m., 7 days a week. |